
Tv Journal Assigment #5

Simpsons is my favourite TV program, and that’s why a posted it on my blog. Seriously, all what I learned about them is just that they can surprise me again and again. I cant be tired of this TV program. And you know what, I suggest this TV program to everyone who want take few minutes of their time to have fun and enjoy a real TV program.
Thanks for your time.

Tv Journal Assigment #4

Lisa on ice
In this assigment, I'm Lisa
We were uniting in the buthead memorial auditorium. There, I got an academic alert for gym, I was so hungry that I tried to throw my academic alert in garbage but I missed. The only way to passed this class, I had to join one of those peewee teams outside the school. I tried many sports but no one worked. A day, me and my family went to the arena where Bart played hockey. After his game, dad gave to Bart a little turtle. Bart thought I was jealous of him and then with his hockey stick, he was throwing me objects from floor. The coach of the other team saw me blocking all of these abject. There I became the perfect goalie. I brought my team to final. Bart became jealous of me and the rivalry between us grew. The final was my team Vs Bart’s team which ends appropriately in a tie.